Thursday, July 19, 2012

Getting better, but mother nature isn't cooperating

I am feeling a lot better over the past few days - I would almost venture to say back to myself (maybe with a tinge of anxiety hanging around), but I cannot complain..

I went to the surgeon for my 1 week check-up and I am doing really well.  The best news is that they found no parathyroid in the pathology report - meaning all four parathyroids are still in there!!!   My left vocal cord is a little weak (which can happen), but she expects it will be fine by six weeks.  In the meantime it is a good exercise of how to keep the kids in-line without using a stern or raised voice.  I also have been told my voice is "sexy" because it sounds raspy and rock-star-ish :)  The incision point is really not that bad..It is about an inch long and I really think it will heal well with minimal scarring...

In case you are curious - I will put pics up of the incision point at the bottom - day after surgery and 1.5 weeks after surgery.  The small bandage is still on there - so it looks bigger than it actually is...but I just wanted to share in case anyone is going through something similar and wants to see the whole sha-bang..

Tomorrow I have a check-up with my new endocrinologist (I met him in the ER and he is basically the best Dr. I have met for follow-up and getting me back on my feet quickly - he even calls on weekends to check on me).  I am hoping my calcium levels are good, but I assume they are because I feel good..

So health-wise I am getting better...


Mother nature on the other hand decided to throw a spanner in the works and took down a very large part of a tree in our front yards, which partially pulled out the power lines to our house (leaving electricity surging into our house, but not able to get back out), and preceded to land on our car.   Then two surge protectors started melting and burning (and it looked like a fire was starting in my daughter's room)... and the power lines were dangling across our street in the pouring rain.

I first grabbed the brightest red chair and threw it in the middle of the street so no one would drive through the power lines (still live), I hit the fire button on our alarm and called 911.

The first things I grabbed when running out of the house?  My dog, engagement and wedding ring, ring from my babies, My calcium pills and water.   My mom remembered her car keys and we sat and waited what felt like an eternity for the fire department (it was only at most 5 minutes).   They were great - looked through the house and we eventually found two surge protectors - one burnt to a crisp the other started.

I remember sitting thinking "Really, God, REALLY?!?"..but with some time and hindsight we were really lucky:

1) No one was hurt
2) We were home - probably stopped my house from catching on fire
3) The kids weren't home and caught up in a pretty stressful situation
4) Our car, house, etc received minimal damage
5) Fire Department, Electrician, Power company and cable company all came in a VERY timely matter.  We had power within 6 hours - and cable the next morning.  Note: I will have to write thank-you letters
6) We actually got to use our generator (our very practical gift to each other for last year's anniversary)
7) Less raking - I know seems petty, but, hey - you have to look on the bright side.
8) We know better now about surge protectors, etc - to keep our house safe in the future.

Ending on a good note: today (besides hearing a chainsaw to cut-up our tree out front) it feels like a normal day...I feel good, the weather has cooled down..and I feel like I am one step closer to getting back to myself... It is almost like it never happened...

Here are the images of post-op and 1.5 weeks later... I really don't feel like it is too bad... curious to see how it looks when the bandage falls off:

Day After Surgery
1.5 weeks after surgery

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