Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All blood tests results in the green, but going gluten-free...

Woo hoo!   I went to the endocrinologist today and all of my blood test results look good!  I will still need check-ups every 6 weeks until it is stable.  I am going to make some adjustments though.. My levels *are* good, but the doc seems to think I shouldn't need to be on the doses I am on, considering my height,weight, etc.

There has been this nagging feeling in my head that I may be gluten intolerant.  Remember the whole 2 month period before my surgery when I didn't eat gluten? Well, I noticed my skin got better (no bumps) and I felt better.  I have been paying close attention to how I feel when eating gluten (since surgery I went back to eating gluten).  The bumps are back and my tummy is always making very loud rumbly noises.

My endo is pretty amazing and is very much a believer in trusting your gut (even if there is no test that has proven my gut feeling).   I have told him since the beginning that I think I may be gluten intolerant - he never said "you are crazy" - he has been supportive.  He approved a blood test for celiac last month (that came back negative), but agrees that blood tests don't always prove celiac/gluten intolerance.  We agreed that (after the 1/2 marathon) I will go gluten-free (March 18th) and see how my blood tests change/stay the same.  If I miraculously start absorbing more synthroid, iron, vitamin d - then it will be clear that I have a gluten intolerance.  If everything remains the same, maybe it was all in my head.

Either way - I FEEL good and am curious to see how the gluten-free elimination "test" goes...

My Mom always said, you have to trust your gut...

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