Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gluten-free no more! Thyroid levels stable! Woo hoo!

I have passed the one year mark since surgery..and I feel like life is back to normal - my levels are good!  In fact, to celebrate the one year (I got discharged on my birthday) - I ran the 5k color run with one of my best friends who had her own battles.  We had to prove to ourselves that our bodies aren't broken and can still do some kick a** things!

As far as my gluten elimination diet (almost 5 months long) - it has confirmed what the celiac tests have said as well - gluten is not an issue for my body and I can continue to eat it..

It feels weird being able to eat whatever I want again..but I am trying to stay away from the treats I have been craving for the past 5 months (mmmm....cake!)

I don't have to go back to the endocrinologist until January because my levels have been stable for a while.

So - all good news re: my thyroid :)

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