Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Paleo Challenge and Crossfit - a quest to not be the thyroidectomy statistic

Since my thyroid was taken out, I have gained weight.  I haven't gained a ton of weight and I am not "overweight", but I am on the border and currently in an upward trend.  I feel like I need to do something.

I tried training for a half marathon (and completed it), but this did not give the results I would have liked.  I didn't lose any weight, so it was frustrating (considering the time I put into it).

I need to do something more drastic.  I need to change my diet and I need to find an exercise program that I like and gives results.  After some research, it seems the Crossfit/Paleo Diet combination is a good contender.  Let's hope it works!

I have already started the Crossfit ramp-up (a 3 week program that introduces the skills for the normal class and ends this Thursday).  I have also started the 4 week Paleo Challenge on Saturday. 

The Challenge is hard and simple at the same time, for 30 days (in priority order):
1) Try to sleep 8 hours
2) Eat food that is both Nutrient Dense & Gives Energy and not processed in any way (basically only Meat, Veg, Nuts and Fruit)
3) Exercise
Note: No weighing/Measuring for 30 days

I am on Day 4 of the diet and, so far so good... I have heard the first 2 weeks are really hard - I have a feeling that is coming soon!   I can only update on how I am feeling...but we will see the results on November 19th!

There is a secondary reason for me doing this - the Paleo diet is supposedly good for autoimmune diseases.  Graves disease is an auto-immune disease, and gives me a greater chance of having another auto-immune disease.  Hopefully eating this way will reduce those chances...

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