Thursday, June 28, 2012

Surgery it is...

I have had an increase in symptoms lately and have come to the conclusion that I am playing with fire.

The Endocrinologist said she is not OK with me waiting until September (risk of congestive heart failure and worsening symptoms of hyperthyroid making surgery and RAI more complicated)

I really went back and forth between RAI (radioactive iodine) and Surgery..but it seems that longer-term surgery is the best bet (even though my doc thinks I am a good candidate for RAI)

The surgery is scheduled for July 9th... I will enjoy 4th of July weekend and then off I go to Mount Sinai....It is a 2-3 hour surgery and 24 hours in the hospital afterwards (to absorb calcium levels from parathyroids which can be affected during surgery)

Wish me luck...

As for what happens after - I will immediately go on Synthroid and stay on that for the rest of my life.  If I don't take it, I will be hypothyroid which has another set of issues that goes along with it.

I want to explore the homeopathic route as well - this disease is an auto-immune disease and my thyroid just happens to be the target (not the real issue), so I want to work at healing my body so it doesn't do these crazy things again... I am still staying gluten-free (because it actually makes me feel better) and seeing what homeopathic Dr's suggest to make me feel better..

I will keep you all posted...

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