Monday, June 11, 2012

This has to be some sort of miracle...

Well, you know from my last blog posts that I went to the Dr. last week with cold feet from the surgery and called it off.

In that appointment I told that endocrinologist that I was feeling better - and here was the conversation:

Me:  Is there a reason why I feel completely normal now?  I am even gaining weight and eating healthy and haven't taken the beta blockers in days? (if you are hyperthyroid you should be losing weight even when eating like a hog and heartrate should be hight with no betablockers)
Dr:  You think you are better, don't you?
Me:  I know I sound crazy, but I do.  I know all studies say this isn't possible...
Dr:  Well, let's do a blood test

The Dr. called me today and her first words were "You must have been wishing ALOT" (my heart leapt)

My levels are MUCH better.  My T3 levels are back to normal, My T4 levels are still high but significantly less than 2 weeks ago, and my TSH is still non-existent (but that takes months to get back to normal)

Not to be too excited - I am still hyperthyroid and I will always have the Graves antibodies and be susceptible to this all coming back

BUT, I am plowing ahead with everything to give my body the best chance it has and making decisions for the long-term
  • I am staying on the small dose of the meds I started on Friday (cross you fingers my body can take this med for a little while - so far, so good)
  • I am eating gluten-free (I did this 2 weeks back for 4 weeks)
  • I have an appointment tomorrow with an acupuncturist that is known for treating Graves (along with Western medicine - researched her, she seems good)
Today is the best day (medically) I have had in a while. 

I can only attribute all of this to my friends and family that have been crossing their fingers and praying for me, because this "medically" isn't normal (and some would say not possible)... Thank you!

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