Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chapter 2: First Resolution

Chapter 2 of the "Happiness Project" goes into her first resolution: Boost Energy

I still haven't decided what my resolution will be, but I am being swayed towards the same one.  She goes to bed early instead of staying up late (just because she can) AND she decides to de-clutter.

I can totally see how doing those two things would boost my energy.

Last night, for instance, I got my first good night sleep in a while!  I think it had to do with me reading the book before bed instead of checking facebook, watching reality TV or Crime series shows.  I slept like a ROCK - nothing woke me up.  I feel great this morning and feel alot more happy about things around me.

I also look around my house and constantly think "I want to clean up this or that", but I never do.  I would feel so much better just getting rid of half of my clothes (what a good thing to do when pregnant!) and clearing out the basement.  It would also give me a chance to start "nesting" and getting the babies room ready (which I LOVE doing!).  I am thinking "Boost Energy" should also be my first resolution.

..Speaking of the new babies room (and keeping up with my daily log), I picked out the new baby's theme for their room: "Baby Boats" (surprise, surprise).  Yay! I can't wait to get the office moved and start the baby room!

Nothing else was really noteworthy today....but overall it felt like a good day :)

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