Monday, September 26, 2011

Girls Weekend

This weekend was one of those weekends that made me think "I am so lucky to have friends like these".
For some of us, it was the first weekend away - leaving baby and husband at home.  There were various "checkpoints" to see how things were going, but all-in-all I think we really took the time to enjoy eachothers company and detach from "mommy life"

We spent a lot of time catching up, laughing, playing board games, shopping, and generally just having a nice time together.  The weather wasn't great, but we did make it to the beach for a short walk (and picture): 

As far as the happiness scale goes, this was exactly what I needed.  It is so nice to take off the mommy hat and spend a few days relaxing without worrying about taking care of the little one and being able to get back to myself.  I feel rejuvenated and now need to get back to reading the next chapter in the happiness project :)

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