Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting things done...

I haven't been reading the book, but spending my evenings trying to get ahead of my task list.  From past experience, I know the time between October and December goes by in an instant - and I am not sure when this baby will join us, so I need to get things done ahead of time.

I ordered our holiday cards (I know I am crazy, but it will be nice to have that ready to go), made thank you cards with Mia (I just need to write them now), started Mia's photobooks for her first two years (I am behind the ball on that one), organized a mini-babymoon and I am now looking into starting christmas shopping and organizing the babyroom..

I know - seems like it is early, but I swear I will wake up in what feels like one week and it will be end of November!

1 comment:

  1. you speak truth!

    that's funny I totally started mine too. (3 days sick on the couch so, why not!)
