- Quit nagging
- Don't expect praise or appreciation
- Fight Right
- No dumping
- Give proof of love
I don't know if I really agree with the writer on how she goes about doing her resolution here. I do agree with her in theory on her points to stop nagging, show love, and fight right AND I agree with her "truth" that you can't change other people, only yourself, BUT she basically just doesn't express herself for this month to avoid fighting and nagging and I don't really agree with that (and I couldn't do that!)
I know I could benefit from biting my tongue every once in a while (I am not a "nagger" as much as a "guilt tripper"), but it is more of a balance to know when to say something and when saying something is only hurtful with no purpose. I think erring on the side of communication is always best - even if it comes across as nagging. If I don't tell my husband how I am feeling, how will he know? I do think it would be a useful resolution to "focus on the positive" and appreciate what my husband does right - which hopefully lowers the nagging, fighting and increases the amount of love I show him.
Needless to say, I need to conjure up a different resolution or amend this one a bit. I do think I can show my husband I love him more - when you've been together a long time it's hard to keep things fresh..but I need to find my own way to do this instead of just do what she does..
I will keep reading to see what the next chapter brings. I still have some time while the "Boost Energy" month is here and the declutter project is underway (I finished another day of organizathon - donate!)
Daily Log
Well, this is more like "past few days log". Yesterday the family went shopping for my little one's 2 year old birthday present the good ol' fashion way - window shopping! It was fun to have her in a toy store playing around and seeing what she likes (cars and baby dolls). It is admittedly soo much easier with my husband to help out - it has been physically challenging this pregnancy to pick her up and generally keep up with her! I also finished some task list - got my daughter and the puppy's Halloween costume (yes, I dress up my dog and she loves it!), ordered my daughters birthday cake, AND ordered the goodie bags!
Overall it was a really fun, successful shopping day spent together.
As for today - it was back to work! Good commute, generally good day, and my daughter was soo happy to see me when I got home. I felt energized after "signing it out" in the car ride home AND i plaed with her and was "fun Mommy" She talked non-stop about her day AND is seems really excited about her first day of pre-school tomorrow (Although, I think Mommy is even more excited!).
Now - off to read the next chapter and go to bed early!
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